Friday 7 December 2012

How do deep-sea divers operate??

Since ancient times, man's curiosity has led him to explore the dark, mysterious world of the deep seas. Diving has therefore developed to be an important sport over the years. But how do men stay under water for long periods of time??

The first practical diving apparatus was devised by German scientist, named Augustus Siebe in 1819. it comprised a metal helmet with a shoulder plate attached to a water proof leather jacket. A tube running from the helmet was attached to an air pump. this was the first of major experiments he carried out in trying to perfect a safe method of staying and working under water. In 1830 he designed and developed a complete suit and helmet with air valves. Although many improvements have since been made, Siebe's principles remail in universal use.

 Deep sea divers, such as those who search shipwrecks for treasure, are divided into groups. they are skin divers who wear rubber suits that fit tightly like the skin, and divers known as 'hard hats' who wear havy diving dress.

A deep sea diver seven essentials : (a) An air pump for pushing air downwards to him. (b) A helmet, usually of steel, with glass window to see. (c) A flexible waterproof suit fitting closely atwrists and ankles. (d) A length of air tubing that must be flexible, but must not collapse under the pressure of water. (e) A pair of heavy boots to keep the feet on the bottom. (f) lead weights, hooked to the chest and back, to prevent floating upto the surface. (g) A life-line to communicate with the surface bu a system of jerks. One jerk may mean danger, and so on!

Some divers also have a telephone so that they can talk to the ship. the wires for these telephones are built into the lifelines.

Water pressure is a big problem for deep sea divers. The deeper a diver goes, more becomes the pressure of water around him. So the air pumped down must enable him to breathe properly and also balance the water pressure outside.


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